Monday, October 20, 2014

Friends and family. Awesome!

I'm going to be legit with you. I'm not always a happy person. Sometimes I'm filled with such despair. Sometimes I'm left feeling abandoned, small, empty inside. Sometimes I just want to be solus.

Having the friends that I have is a joy because they take my mind off of things that make me gloomy. They beget me to smile, laugh and feel very ecstatic. I love being around them because they help me overcome aversive moments. They elicit the best in me, and that's what I like about my sweet loving and caring friends. They're like family to me. Just a simple "hello Chloe how are you?" is enough to send me into a world of beautiful blooming flowers, impervious to anything than can break down my walls of glee. I'm so anxious and full of verve that when I wake up in the mornings for school, I literally get butterflies in the pit of my stomach. I'm so excited to see my friends, even if it's for two minutes (My bus is always getting to school at 8:11).

My warm hearted family is always there to remedy me. They're a giant hand awaiting to catch me for when I fall. I have two little sisters who are like bumble bees because they're all over he place. They get into my nail polish,go in my room without asking and as much as I want to strangle them , I love them. I love them to death. They're my inspiration for living. Some of us say that " My family never gives me enough space " or " I can't wait til I get a car because I'll be gone". Well lemme tell you this: You only have one mom, one dad and your siblings are irreplaceable. Once they're gone, they're gone. Forever. You won't have that mom who's so "vexatious" or that dad who wouldn't let you watch TV because he was too captivated by the football game that was currently going on. You wouldn't have your siblings who you just wanted to hasp in a closet.

You'll be left with nothing. Nothing but thoughts of what you should have done. Sorrow will take upon you and become your best friend. Regret will take you down a road of  misery and unforgettable  memories, that no matter how hard you try to wash away the guilt you feel inside; it will stick. It will stick like cement and become your biggest enemy. So exploit of the time you have , stop complaining and be with them. My family is my incentive for going out there and making my dreams come true. If I do this, I show and prove to my sisters that they can have and be whatever they desire in life. I don't know about you but having friends that make you jubilant and family who you love unconditionally; that's pretty darn awesome. If that's not then I don't know what is.

1 comment:

  1. This topic is so great. How fortunate you are to have the family you have. (I am blessed by mind, too.) Your use of vocabulary words here is quite nice, and the repetition you choose to use is effective. I wish you would have crafted more imagery though. I would have liked to see and hear those sisters of yours. 4
